Joseph Farrell spans the ages in Babylon’s Banksters, tying together an international class of what he terms “bullion brokers,” their involvement with humanity’s ancient temples (along with the predictive capabilities of the temples’ astrological functions), the control and suppression of technologies, and ultimately the total usurpation of the money-issuing power of states and nations around the globe.
Babylon’s Banksters begins with a theoretical scenario in which two ancient civilisations pre-dating our historical eras destroyed each other in a great and encompassing final war.
The devastation was so complete as to wipe out both of the civilisations’ technological capabilities.
Humanity’s remains were left to pick up the pieces and begin again from square one – while a select
class of survivors kept shreds of the ancient wisdom alive. Sacred geometry and its powerful secrets were guarded in the temples and secret societies. Mystery schools were established to maintain the wisdom among a small class of adepts.
The story intimates that those who have controlled this wisdom from ancient times are the predecessors, if not ancestors, of those at the top of the financial pyramid today.
And those at the top continue to use predictive cyclical patterns to their own enriching and often nefarious ends. Their aims are not simply to control the money supply, but to control the physics of the technologies that could, on the one hand, free humanity from this monetary control, and on the other, destroy us once again.
Ultimately, the story of these bullion brokers and their progeny is their search to re-establish the technology that was lost following the theoretical great and final battle
of pre-history. 
The most important factor in Farrell’s equation of physics, religion and finance is the control of the
money supply. And the banksters will go to any length to ensure that control rests with them.Farrell cites evidence that strongly suggests US Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy were all assassinated for their attempts to take the money-issuing power away from the privately controlled central bank – with the intention of issuing debtfree government created money.Farrell traces evidence that central bankers have historically flooded the market with counterfeit bills whenever the US intended to oversee the issuance of its own currency. This results in a devaluing of the non-central bank currency. Once devalued, the banksters then offer their central bank as a stabilising solution.
This scheme of inflating a nation’s currency to induce instability, and then offer the central banking system to stabilise the system, has been, according to Farrell, the method used by the international class of bullion brokers throughout history.
Following the Great Depression, economic analyst Edward Dewey and his associate Edwin Dakin were commissioned by US President Herbert Hoover to find the cause of the economic downturn via statistical analysis.
Dewey and Dakin found that it is not just the economy that rises and falls according to waves that resonate in predictable patterns. Everything in nature follows these same
wave patterns.Farrell details the story of Dewey and Dakin’s research and notes that when these waves hit their lows during certain astrological conjunctions, that’s when all hell breaks loose. Our worst economic depressions have apparently occurred in line with noteworthy astrological alignments. Farrell suggests that banksters have used these predictive elements – tying in known economic cycles with certain astrological conjunctions – to exacerbate downturns and take advantage of the crisis.
This is not just an American story. It is a multi-headed beast and the banksters are not the only ones playing.Farrell suggests that the American economic collapse of 2008 was a sneak attack of sorts by the Chinese. Farrell also notes that the Nazis, although financed by the banksters during their rise to power, ultimately turned the relationship sour by their move to create state-issued debtfree money.
Even as far back as the Peloponnesian War, Farrell claims that Sparta was the sole holdout among
a republic of Greek states that had already fallen into the hands of the international bullion brokers’ central banks – and its debt-creating policy of money issuance.
Fast forward to the annual ultrasecretive Bilderberg Group meetings. Farrell suggests that the first
assembly of the Bilderberg Group was ultimately a meeting of detente between the banksters and the fabulously wealthy post-war Nazis who escaped to South America to resume research on advanced physics technology – things like the legendary anti-gravity, hyper dimensional Nazi “bell” device.
Farrell covers a lot of ground in a short amount of space and he undoubtedly has a brilliant mind,
along with a healthy background on a variety of esoteric subjects. That brilliance and his vast knowledge spur him to launch into a number of disparate directions.


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