
Showing posts from June, 2012


Contagion may be presented as a work of fiction, but it communicates several important messages that authori-ties need the public to accept. To do so, the movie defines a specific problem that has actually occurred in the past, it identifies the agencies that have the right to take charge of the situation and proposes the only solution required to fix the problem. That solution is not pretty: The dissolution of the government, the imposition of martial law, the creation of civilian camps, forced vaccination campaigns and the suppression of free speech. Democracy and civil rights are summarily suspended and we witness the establishment of a highly controlled and monitored society (using barcodes). Are disaster movies such as Contagion solely created for entertainment or are they also used to teach the public about what is acceptable and what is not when a disaster occurs? Would the World Health Organisation participate in a movie simply to entertain people? Interesting fact: The movie w...

The Ultimate Solution

After months of horror and hundreds of millions of deaths, a final solution emerges and saves humanity: Mass vaccination. Those who receive the vaccine get the privilege of wear-ing a scannable wristband. This allows them to go to public places such as shopping malls. You get vaccinated, you get a barcode and go places. You don’t get vaccinated, you stay at home... and you die.

The Conspiracy Theorist

If specific groups and organisations are identified by the movie as “compe-tent” and “trustworthy,” other groups get a very different treatment, namely alternative media. Personified by a blog-ger named Alan Krumwiede (played by Jude Law), alternative media are pre-sented as unreliable sources bent on sen-sationalism and profit. In other words, the movie implies that information that does not come from “official” sources is invalid and potentially dangerous. Not exactly a pro-free-speech message. “Truth Serum,” a blog run by Alan Krumwiede, resembles the many “alter-native news” website around the web. This type of information, which does not come from mass media or governmental sources, is definitely not portrayed in a positive light.Right from the start, Alan Krumwiede is portrayed as a somewhat dodgy blogger with a questionable work ethic and who does not get much respect from the journalistic nor the scientific community. When he tries to get one of his stories published in a newsp...

Martial Law

 In Contagion, the deadly virus is called MEV-1 and the social result of the outbreak is portrayed in a specific way. First, the general population, al-ways depicted as idiotic, cattle-like and prone to violence, spirals out of control. The masses are always shown panick-ing, yelling, stealing, fighting and loot-ing. This leads to a general breakdown of social order and a state of lawless-ness.       Wherever regular people are put to-gether, all sort of crap ensues. This goes along with the concept of “infantilisa-tion” of the masses, who require to be taken charge by “fatherly” authorities. And boy do the authorities take over. The US Army imposes martial law and places the State of Minnesota in quarantine, blocking all traffic out of the state. Those who seek to leave the state are told to turn around and go back home. Citizens are then directed to FEMA camps. Civilians (even healthy ones) have their rights revoked and are directed to FEMA camps where th...

The Organisations That Take Charge

In Contagion, as soon as the virus becomes a threat, the entire American government escapes to an “undisclosed lo-cation” and “looks for a way of working online.” Meanwhile, specific real-life non-government organisations (NGOs) are identified by the movie as the “heroes” and the go-to people to handle the crisis. These organizations are promoted to the viewers and are given automatic legitimacy and trust-worthiness. However, those who are educated about the world elite’s agenda for a New World Order know that these organizations have been known to push that agenda and eve-rything that goes with it. In short, the movie says: “If a crisis like this happens, the government will disappear, democracy will be suspended and NGOs will take over.” The agencies identified by the movie are: • The CDC (Center for Disease Control), which has always heavily promoted vaccinations campaigns. • The World Health Organisation (WHO) – which was accused, in the wake of the H1N1, of spreading “fear a...

Fear Spreads Faster Than Germs

The movie starts by showing how a few sick people, who go about their daily routine, can easily contaminate thousands of people. The point of the introduction is simple: A deadly virus can spread around the world in a matter of days. This realistic yet terrifying scenario is a very effective way to grip the audience and to cause a state of fear. During these scenes, the camera focuses for a few extra seconds on common objects that can transmit germs such as drinking glasses, just long enough for the viewer to realise: “Hey, I sometimes touch these things! That could be me! Aaaah!” Most of those who are infected with the virus do not live long. In a series of heartbreaking scenes,one of the main characters, Mitch Emhoff (played by Matt Damon), sees his wife and his son lose their lives to the virus. Viewers watch-ing this tragedy play out are led to think “Hey, that’s the most terrible thing that could happen to me! AAaaah!” This movie was released only two years after the out-break of ...

The Function of Disaster Movies

Disaster movies are often action-packed thrill rides that venture in the sometimes fascinating “what if that hap-pened” side of things. While some are very over-the-top and border on fantasy, others, like Contagion, emphasise realism and actual events. These movies tend to “hit home” with the viewers because they lead them to think “this could happen to me.” Disaster movies exploit the latent fear that recent events caused on the psyche on the masses, tapping into the anxiety and trauma they cause in order to create tension and terror in the viewers. Then, the “agenda” aspect of these movies kick in as they propose to the viewers the best (and only) way these issues can be resolved. Specific groups and agencies are cast as honourable, helpful and trustworthy during the time of crisis, while others are portrayed as hin-drances and even traitors. The drama that follows becomes a case of predictive programming, as the steps taken in the movie to resolve the problem will there-after appear...

Contagion : How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses

By vIGILanT cITIzen Hollywood movies are usually presented as a form of entertainment, but their plots often conceal a specific agenda. “Disaster movies,” films about the end of the world through various mass crises, are particularly interesting as they all follow the same basic formula and glorify the same entities. In this article, we’ll look at the disaster movie Contagion and how it “teaches” its viewers who to trust and who not to trust during a crisis. Most people watch movies to be entertained. Well, I for one can say that there was absolutely nothing entertain-ing about Contagion. In fact, the only difference between this movie and state-sponsored educational movies shown in schools is that with Contagion you actu-ally have to pay to be indoctrinated… and to see Matt Damon. During the Cold War, students were shown videos instructing them to “Duck and Cover” in case of a nuclear attack. Contagion conditions the masses to expect martial law and to throw themselves at the first ...

Science Confirms Traditional Medicine

The herb thyme is more effective in treating acne than medicated creams, say UK scientists. Researchers from Leeds Metro-politan University, in northern England, said a simple tincture of the widely-used cooking herb was more effective in killing the bac-terium associated with acne, Propionibacterium acnes, than medicated creams. Billions of dollars of drug compa-ny and government grant money has flowed into finding compounds for new drug development over the past 50 years. The medical establishment makes massive profits from new drugs that can be patented – un-like natural substances like the herb thyme that can be grown for free. However, a lot of research by the same drug companies proves basic vitamins, foods and spices are at least as effective, sometimes more effective, and often much safer and affordable, than drugs developed to replace or supplant them. According to an expose by, thousands of studies have already been performed demonstrating that natural substa...


The chemical reactions in all plants and animals that sup-port life take place in an ion-ized water medium. Water not only provides the medium to make these life sustaining reactions possible, but water itself also is often an impor-tant reactant or product of these reactions. The entire chemistry of life is based around water chemistry. At the cellular level, water plays a significant role alongside cholesterol and saturated fat as the very bond-ing adhesives in the cell membrane. Together, these important structures keep the cell strong and help it to resist toxic and infectious invasion. Some of the many critical roles water plays in the body include: 1. A medium for every metabolic (energy producing) reaction in the body 2. A generator of hydro-electric and magnet energy within the cell giving the body the power to live and function (the body’s most ef-ficient energy sources) 3. A fluid to capture and pull out toxins in the urine and faeces 4. Lubricates and protects joints, organs...


According to Mike Adams, “the most likely scenario involves a deadly, fast-spreading viral pandemic that turns out to be especially deadly only to those who have been vaccinated. (Vaccines actually weaken the im-mune response to future epidemics.) “After tens of millions of people die across the planet, the truth will become clear: Vaccines actually cre-ate the perfect storm of long-term vulnerabilities for a global pandemic wipeout of the human population. “But perhaps that’s the whole point to begin with. Vaccines are remarkably effective as population control medications.”


The key to boosting your immune system lies in your lifestyle habits – healthy food, stress relief, exercise, sleep, and safe exposure to sunlight, among other things. New evidence is emerging that food-based nutritional supplements work to prevent flu infections. Since numerous studies show that vitamin D boosts immunity, particularly vitamin D3, you want to make sure you maintain your vitamin D levels at 50-70 ng/ml year-round. The only way you can be sure of what your levels are is to be tested. While a supplement is OK, the best way to get your vitamin D is with safe exposure to sunshine, or by using a safe tanning bed (one with electronic ballasts rather than mag-netic ballasts, to avoid unnecessary exposure to EMF fields). Other healthy steps you can take include eating healthy, avoiding sugars and artifi-cial sweeteners, exercising, reducing stress and getting enough sleep.


All vaccines are immune sup-pressing, meaning they affect im-mune function for a period of time and can make some people more susceptible to coming down with a viral or bacterial infection. The chemicals, adjuvants, lab altered viruses and bacteria and foreign DNA/RNA from animal and human cell substrates in the vaccines may compromise immune system func-tion and depress immunity – that is the trade-off you are risking. The conventional belief is that it is acceptable to exchange this small overall immune suppression for immunity to one infectious disease. However, remember that this means you’re trading a total immune sys-tem suppression, which is your main defense against ALL known disease – including millions of pathogens – for a temporary immunity against just one disease. This may help explain why people who get a flu shot may actually be more likely to acquire an infection from another virus, as was shown to be the case with H1N1 (swine flu). Back in the spring of 2009, ...


It is hard to find ANY valid scien-tific evidence to support flu vaccine effectiveness or safety – and this is particularly true for key target groups for which we are told the flu shot is most important – seniors, children and pregnant women! For instance, a large-scale, sys-tematic review of 51 studies, pub-lished in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2006, found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in pre-venting influenza in children under two. The studies involved 260,000 children, age 6 to 23 months. In 2010, Cochrane also reviewed the available scientific evidence that flu shots protect the elderly, and the results were abysmal. The authors concluded that: “The available evidence is of poor quality and provides no guidance regarding the safety, efficacy or ef-fectiveness of influenza vaccines for people aged 65 years or older.” Then there is the new study in The Lan-cet Infectious Diseases, which reveals that the flu vaccine prevents ...


Vaccines work so well that they offer almost total immunity from the flu claims the vaccine industry. And yet somehow they also work so poorly that they “wear off” after a year and require you to be re-vacci-nated annually. “The year [2011] flu shot will be a duplicate of [2010] because it was the same flu strains that was  circulated,” reports the Associated Press in an article about the CDC [Centers for Disease Control]. “Government health officials are urging nearly eve-ryone to get this fall’s flu shot. They say a vaccine’s protection can fade significantly after several months.” According to journalist Mike Adams of, “This is The Great Big Lie of the vaccine industry: The lie that says you have to be re-vaccinated each and every year, often with the exact same strains you were vaccinated with the previous year. The 2011 winter flu vaccines , for example, [we]re  manufactured with the same strains as the 2010 flu vaccines.” The vaccine industry claim its va...


Levine says those doing the prescribing are by definition authori-tarians: They “demand unquestion- ing obedience” and any resistance to their diagnosis and treatment can result in the patient – the “anti- authoritarian” to be labelled “non-compliant with treatment,” increasing the severity of their diagnosis, and consequently, psychiatrists “jacked up their medications.” “…authoritarians financially mar-ginalise those who buck the system, they criminalise anti-authoritarianism, they psychopathologise anti-author-itarians, and they market drugs for their ‘cure’.”12 Consider that already in Australia there are recommendations to adopt a criminal offence of “intentionally or recklessly causing psychologi-cal harm.” And to strengthen Health Care Complaints to deal with the issues relating to “deliberately, reck-lessly or indifferently interfering with psychological health or access to qualified medical [psychiatric/psy-chological] treatment.” Therefore, should you agree with this article,...


Controversy surrounding DSM development rests largely on its influence by the pharmaceutical industry. A high profile study by Lisa Cosgrove, associate professor of clinical psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA, in 2006 forced the American Psychiatric Association to disclose financial ties between DSM Task Force members and drug companies. However, the move toward transparency did little to cut down on conflicts. A subse-quent study released by Cosgrove in March this year revealed nearly 70 percent of DSM-5 panel members reported financial relationships with drug companies – up from 57 per-cent for DSM-4. DSM-IV and its counterpart, the World Health Organisation’s mental disorders section of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) are used not only to diagnose mental “disorder” and prescribe “treatment,” but also to resolve child custody bat-tles, discrimination cases based on alleged psychiatric disability, aug-ment court testimony, modify educa-tion, ...


The fifth revision of the DSM, due to be published in 2013, could see any characteristic or behaviour re-defined as a “mental disorder” serious risk. According to the phar-maceutical-company-funded group SANE Australia, “Nearly half (45%) of the population will experience a mental disorder at some stage in their lives.” Mental disease advocacy groups often have financial ties to pharma-ceutical companies, which then act as marketing campaigns for psy-chotropic drugs and cite alarming statistics to support their arguments. Ray Moynihan and Alan Cas-sels, authors of Selling Sickness: How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All into Patients, found that “Partnering with patient groups has become a key element of marketing strategies.” One of the pharmaceutical-psychiatric marketing coups was that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression, leading to more than $20 billion in worldwide an-nual sales of antidepressants. SANE Australia advertises: “Antidepres...


By cchr naTIonaL oFFIce If Australia’s famous bushranger Ned Kelly was alive today, psy-chiatrists would most likely label him with “oppositional defiant dis-order.” In fact, psychology-inspired eugenicists claim Kelly was a “mental defective.” Under a planned fifth revision of psychiatry’s research and insurance “billing bible,” The Diagnos-tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Kelly’s diagnosis could change to “Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder” which sup-posedly describes people who can’t let go of grudges. Yet to others, Kelly’s fight against oppressive British rule cast him as an Australian Robin Hood – a legendary “archetypal Australian challenging authority.”1 Right now, the challenge against psychiatrists’ self-proclaimed authority over all things mentally wrong with us has reached an all time high, with international criticism – even from peers – about DSM-5. An online petition originated by the British Psychological Society and supported by the American Ps...


December 21st 2012. We’ve all heard the predictions, read the articles, seen the movie, debated the outcome and marked it in our calendar as a must-have day off work. Furthermore, some of us have had our chakras re-aligned, meditated for spiritual clarity and bought a book entitled ‘Preparing for Spiritual Ascension during the Age of Aquarius’. Then there are those of us who have sharpened hunting knives, stockpiled enough food to last a millennium, and booby-trapped our bomb shelters with a plethora of nasty tetanus-riddled devices. Clearly, a great deal of fuss and anticipation has gathered over this hotly debated and somewhat fabled event. As catastrophic natu-ral incidences poignantly unfold against the backdrop of a planet embroiled in war, injustice, politi-cal upheaval, ignorance, hedonistic craving and needless suffering, we can be almost certain this bustle of activity will continue to escalate, especially considering the ‘big event’ is now just months away. The pos-sibility o...

Crafting Magical Objects

Probably everyone has some experience of the fact that manufactured objects differ in the kinds of aura that they possess. Something produced industrially – say an ordinary pair of plastic flip-flops or a cheap toy – ordinarily has very little. Occasionally one encounters some things, usually made partly by hand, that have more of an aura – say, a pair of extremely well-made shoes or a fine piece of blown glass. This is not coincidental. Industrial manufacture requires very little attention on any one individual item; the thing passes through an assembly line and that is all. Objects that require hand work to some degree have received more of that subtle force known as attention. A superior craftsman can put so much attention into his work that even homely things such as a coffee table can possess an aura of their own. When this kind of achievement is taken to a maximal degree, the result is known as great art. Not everyone is going to be a great artist or even a skilled craftsman. But...

Wide Attention

Given all this, how can you make a connection be-tween this vast world within and mundane reality? How can you avoid the danger of spiritual narcissism, whereby you become so fascinated by the inner world that the outer world no longer holds out interest? Part of Glyn’s answer to this question lay in observation. As the twentieth-century spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff pointed out, we pass our  daily lives in a kind of waking trance. We walk down the street barely seeing what is before our eyes, enraptured by a sometimes pleasing, something frightening, sometimes bor-ing sequence of thoughts, images, and emotions that swallow up our attention. We perceive many things but observe very few. If there is to be some connection between the inner and the outer world, it has to be through a conscious effort at awareness. While I have written more than once in this magazine about Gurdjieff’s teachings about self-remember-ing and self-observation, there is a correlated practice that takes t...

Cultivating Consciousness in an Unconscious World

Politicians constantly evade the truth. why can they get away with it? According to a recent study conducted at Harvard University, it’s be-cause people have such terrible attention spans. Behavioural scientist Todd Rogers of the Harvard Kennedy School and Michael i. norton of the Harvard Business School conducted a simple experiment to see when and whether people can detect a dodge. They recorded a speaker answering a question about universal health care (a controversial issue in the US). Then they attached the same answer to three separate questions: the original question about health care, one on illegal drug use, and a third about terrorism. Amaz-ingly, subjects found the speaker just as trustworthy when he gave the response about health care to a ques-tion about illegal drug use – a related but different subject – as when he responded to the original question about health care. Moreover, when quizzed immediately afterward, almost none of the subjects could re-member exactly what q...

The Sense of Scale

“We’re going down to London to see a friend of mine. Want to come?” The speaker – Dave, an odd-looking man with a scraggly beard and extremely thick glasses – was a member of the Kabbalah group at Oxford to which I went faithfully every Wednesday evening. The year was 1978 or early’79. I wasn’t particularly eager to take the trip, but in the interest of broaden-ing my horizons, I decided I would. And so that Saturday five of us piled precariously into Dave’s three-wheeled motorcycle, of the colour the French call caca d’oie, and made the hour’s drive from Oxford to London. It was a day that burned itself into my mind for several reasons. To begin with, there was something quintes-sentially English about the experience. Our first stop was a large and seedy  pub somewhere in northwest London – complete with all the stereotypi-cal trimmings: etched-glass windows, dark furniture, the hazy smell of stale beer and tobacco, and even a drunken old man singing “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”...

An Encounter with the ancient Wisdom

“We’re going down to London to see a friend of mine. Want to come?” The speaker – Dave, an odd-looking man with a scraggly beard and extremely thick glasses – was a member of the Kabbalah group at Oxford to which I went faithfully every Wednesday evening. The year was 1978 or early’79. I wasn’t particularly eager to take the trip, but in the interest of broaden-ing my horizons, I decided I would. And so that Saturday five of us piled precariously into Dave’s three-wheeled motorcycle, of the colour the French call caca d’oie, and made the hour’s drive from Oxford to London. It was a day that burned itself into my mind for several reasons. To begin with, there was something quintes-sentially English about the experience. Our first stop was a large and seedy  pub somewhere in northwest London – complete with all the stereotypi-cal trimmings: etched-glass windows, dark furniture, the hazy smell of stale beer and tobacco, and even a drunken old man singing “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”...

The End of the Old World & The Dawn of a New Day

Just for a moment cast your mind back one hundred years. You’re in London, new York, or Paris in 1912. How invincible western civilisation seems. Despite growing rationalism and materialism, Christianity remains the unchallenged religion of the west. The masses of Asia and Africa appear to be hopelessly mired in the darkness of igno-rance and superstition. in England the boast is of how ‘the sun never sets on the British empire’. The French and the Americans both proud of their republics and the achievements of industry and commerce. Everywhere belief in never ending progress offers unbridled hope for a bright and confident twentieth century. Fast forward a few short years. You are in 1919. The time-honoured monarchies of Europe have been mostly swept away. Revolutionary ferment stalks the continent. Civil war and famine blight the vast Russian land. 16.5 million people have been sense-lessly slaughtered in the First world war. influenza has killed as many as 25 million people in its...

At The Ending of A Cycle

History is politics. in other words, particular versions of the past serve to justify certain agendas important to the powers-that-be. nowhere is this observation more appar-ent than in a linear explanation of history; namely, that our modern industrial world of capitalist democracy is the epitome of everything preceding it, following a steady as-cent from jungle drums to the internet, from cave man spears to modern “smart bombs.” This view is embedded in our education curriculum and pre-sented as self-evident throughout public information media. it is nonetheless transparently false. objective surveys of the past cannot find humanity marching along on a steady progression from ancient barbarism to modern consumerism. Quite the op-posite appears. observers unaffected by dominant paradigms behold an historical panorama of cycles working like mechanical processes in every culture and nation. They run from birth and youth through maturity, decline and death, following our own, individual ...