What is consciousness?

Dr. william Braud is one of a variety of scientists who have performed rigorous, laboratory-controlled studies proving that mind-to-mind communication is very real, and repeatable in a science lab. Participants were able to induce measurable changes in the electrical conductivity of another person’s skin at a distance without their conscious awareness.

Many of these experiments were done in rooms shielded from all electromagnetic signals – proving this phenomenon cannot be explained by any known energy waves in the con-ventional spectrum.

By 1929, over 148 different cases of “multiples” had been documented in science – where multiple scientists indepen-dently make the same breakthroughs at the same time. This included calculus, the theory of evolution, colour photography, thermometers, telescopes, typewriters and steamboats.

There is wonderful, abundant proof that “extrasensory perception” is a natural gift we all possess – but these ground-breaking studies have received very little publicity. Could the basic energy of the Cosmos be conscious in some way?


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