Martial Law

 In Contagion, the deadly virus is called MEV-1 and the social result of the outbreak is portrayed in a specific way. First, the general population, al-ways depicted as idiotic, cattle-like and prone to violence, spirals out of control. The masses are always shown panick-ing, yelling, stealing, fighting and loot-ing. This leads to a general breakdown of social order and a state of lawless-ness.
      Wherever regular people are put to-gether, all sort of crap ensues. This goes along with the concept of “infantilisa-tion” of the masses, who require to be taken charge by “fatherly” authorities. And boy do the authorities take over.

The US Army imposes martial law and places the State of Minnesota in quarantine, blocking all traffic out of the state. Those who seek to leave the state are told to turn around and go back home. Citizens are then directed to FEMA camps. Civilians (even healthy ones) have their rights revoked and are directed to FEMA camps where they are fed and lodged.


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