Beyond the Doom & Gloom

I remember when i first learned about the “Truth” and it wasn’t pretty. I remember learning about how the mass media lie to our faces on a daily basis. About how the educational system only teaches the youth what they need to become obedient workers. About how politics are merely a puppet show and that, regardless of who is in office, the same agenda will be going forward. About how our rights and freedoms are being revoked. About how the masses are purposely being dumbed-down. About how simple values are rejected from popular culture and replaced by shallow materialism and glorification of immediate fulfillment of impulses.

Learning about these things was overwhelming and, to be honest, it really pissed me off. i remember being depressed for days, repeating to myself “Everything i was ever told was a lie.” I was disgusted by the world i grew up in and the people i used to look up to. That was an awful phase. But, looking back, I realised that it was just a phase – one that all seekers of truth eventually need to go through. it is shocking, disheartening, confusing and totally not cool. But necessary.

As I pursued my research and as I gained a little wisdom and experience, that nasty feeling eventually went away.  “The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” That is certainly true. But after the “pissed off” phase, better understanding our world leads to an extremely valuable reward: Knowledge, wisdom and happiness.

After learning about the true nature of the forces shaping our world, a natural response is to look for solutions. one might say, “now that i know all of this, what can i do to fix the problem?” I usually leave this part of the thought process open-ended in my articles because i believe that the thinking, the questioning and the research required at this stage is something that all of us should do. After having been told what we should do during our entire lives, it is time to get our own brains going. only a healthy, well-educated mind can determine what should be done next. i believe that those who push ready-made, one-size-fits-all solu-tions do not help their fellow men (in fact, they might be trying to exploit them). instead of encouraging independent thinking they are simply furthering the “sheep” mentality that is so prevalent today… just with a different shepherd.

The effects of rejecting what is fake and embracing what is real is the equivalent of eradicating a cancer that slowly eats away the spirit. But before curing an illness, one must identify it. once the cause is known and understood, it is a lot easier to cure the sickness.

So, despite the doom and gloom, knowing the ugly truth should not lead to unhappiness. Quite to the contrary, learning what we should avoid also leads to learning what we should em-brace. These wonderful things are within our reach and always will be. Some would say that these things are the very reason why we are on earth… and no power-hungry elite can ever take these
things away from us.


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