The End of the Old World & The Dawn of a New Day

Just for a moment cast your mind back one hundred years. You’re in London, new York, or Paris in 1912. How invincible western civilisation seems. Despite growing rationalism and materialism, Christianity remains the unchallenged religion of the west. The masses of Asia and Africa appear to be hopelessly mired in the darkness of igno-rance and superstition. in England the boast is of how ‘the sun never sets on the British empire’. The French and the Americans both proud of their republics and the achievements of industry and commerce. Everywhere belief in never ending progress offers unbridled hope for a bright and confident twentieth century.

Fast forward a few short years. You are in 1919. The time-honoured monarchies of Europe have been mostly swept away. Revolutionary ferment stalks the continent. Civil war and famine blight the vast Russian land. 16.5 million people have been sense-lessly slaughtered in the First world war. influenza has killed as many as 25 million people in its first 25 weeks. Economic and political uncertainty are the order of the day. Little do you know, that due largely to political decisions being made by the ruling elites, in only two decades another horrific global conflict will be underway. The seeds of a Second world war are being planted in the aftermath of the Great war that was supposed ‘to end all wars’. More death, destruction and misery on an unprecedented scale will be visited on humankind. Holocaust, Gulag, Commu-nism, Fascism, Atomic Bomb, Democracy – these words will fire men’s minds, casting a dark shadow over the twentieth century.

That was then, this is now. Living in London, new York or Paris in 2012 brings new realities and new challenges. The western world, led by the United States, is quickly being eclipsed by fast rising new global powers. China is today’s booming economic powerhouse, as the old nations of Europe struggle with economic and social decline. Christianity has lost its place in the hearts and minds of millions of westerners. in 2012, Christendom’s old nemesis islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe, where an influx of Muslim immigrants from north Africa, Turkey and South Asia has sent shock waves through a mostly secular population whose birthrates have stagnated. Across the Atlantic, within the next couple of decades, people of non-European background will be the majority in the United States. western civilisation has gone the way of ancient Rome. Uncertainty and a nihilism born of existential boredom and a spiritual emptiness reign supreme in lands once synonymous with the Christian west.
 It is the end of an age, the end of the old world.

From every corner come calls for ‘somebody’ (usually the government) to ‘do something’. in response we see the growth of State intrusion into people’s lives and the dangerous erosion  of individual freedom. Plans for a new world order touted by the western elites are now focused on shoring-up their power and control.

According to the western mystical tradition, the zodiacal Age of Pisces – identified with Christianity – which commenced approximately 2,000 years ago is coming to a close. we are now entering a new epoch, the Age of Aquarius.

This changeover period is a time of confusion, deception, conflict and extremism. Precisely because as new waves of spir-itual energy begin to flow through the planet they are met with resistance from the old energies of control. Sinister forces begin to manifest in an effort to block humanity’s transition in conscious-ness.

while new Age advocates concentrate on the positive aspects of Aquarius (expansion of consciousness, the fellowship of hu-mankind, non-conformity, the end of religious dogmatism), other
researchers warn of a dark side. Robert Zoller predicts that in the Aquarian Age the world will be ruled by secretive power-hungry elites seeking absolute control over others. neil Spencer also questions the new Age utopian view of the Age of Aquarius with the modern astrological perspective that each sign is different but equal. negative examples of Aquarius include dumbed-down media, consumerism and rapacious international corporations.

it is 2012 and the water Bearer – symbol of Aquarius – stands on the horizon pouring revolutionary new energies into a world in upheaval. A new day is dawning. But, as astrologer Ray Grasse states, “How do we know if the Age of Aquarius will be ‘a utopia or an orwellian nightmare?’” Grasse recommends we strive to maintain a compassionate heart, become more self-reliant, and avoid being hypnotised by the ‘group trance’. Very good advice for the climactic times in which we live.

The future is in our hands. we can either align with the posi-tive, liberating energies of Aquarius, or remain imprisoned in the chaos of a decaying old world. new world or Prison Planet? The choice really is ours to make.


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