Can we dematerialise and teleport physical matter?

Einstein proposed that as an object approaches light speed, it gets more and more massive – ultimately reaching infinite mass. Dr. Vladimir Ginzburg discovered that this same Einstein equation
could be inverted – turned upside-down – causing an object to lose mass and dematerialise as it reaches the speed of light. no other laws of physics are violated by inverting this equation.Protons,neutrons, electrons, atoms and clusters of atoms have all been observed to pop into a “wave” state, losing any solid identity as particles. This may be happening every time their internal quantum movement slightly exceeds the speed of light – which is not currently believed possible.

Russian scientist Dr. nikolai Kozyrev discovered that by simply dropping a solid object on a hard floor, its weight de-creased for about 20 minutes. Ancient stonemasons may have been able to energise stone so it can lift easily – and be soft enough to mould like moist clay.


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