Is DNA an energy wave that assembles life?

In 2011, nobel laureate Luc Montagnier demonstrated “DnA teleportation,” where ordinary water molecules in a sealed test tube assembled into DnA. A tube with ordinary wa-ter was placed next to another tube that had water with trace amounts of DnA in it. Both tubes were electrified with a weak  7Hz current. Some of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the tube with pure, sterile water transformed into DnA – by a process still unknown to western science.

Fred Hoyle and Chandra wickramasinghe noticed that 99 percent of all the dust in the galaxy had peculiar optical prop-erties. The only material that could create these effects in the laboratory was freeze-dried bacteria.

In 1980, Sir Hoyle said, “I suspect that the cosmic quality of microbiology will seem as obvious to future generations as the Sun being the centre of our solar system seems obvious to the
present generation.”


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