Science Confirms Traditional Medicine

The herb thyme is more effective in treating acne than medicated creams, say UK scientists.

Researchers from Leeds Metro-politan University, in northern England, said a simple tincture of the
widely-used cooking herb was more effective in killing the bac-terium associated with acne, Propionibacterium acnes, than medicated creams.

Billions of dollars of drug compa-ny and government grant money has flowed into finding compounds for new drug development over the past 50 years. The medical establishment makes massive profits from new drugs that can be patented – un-like natural substances like the herb thyme that can be grown for free.

However, a lot of research by the same drug companies proves basic vitamins, foods and spices are at
least as effective, sometimes more effective, and often much safer and affordable, than drugs developed to replace or supplant them.

According to an expose by, thousands of studies have already been performed
demonstrating that natural substanc-es may prevent and/or treat disease, at least in the test tube and animal models.

What is even more amazing is that these scientific results often confirm the traditional uses for these
natural substances in ancient Indian medicine, Chinese medicine, and countless other folk medicine tradi-tions around the world. This can only make their use more compelling for individuals or healthcare practition-ers, as folk medicine contains many thousands of years of tried and true human experience applying these substances to diseases – often with great success.


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