The Amazing Prophecies of Benjamín Parravicin

This is the story of a most unassuming modern prophet – Benjamín Solari Parravicini (BSP) – who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1898, and died in 1974 at the age of 76. He was a painter and sculptor, and came from a traditional and well-to-do family. He held various posts with the Buenos Aires Municipal Arts Department; nothing particularly memorable nor exceptional about his social and professional life. He was a quiet, discrete and kindly person. Leading a low-profile life, he would have remained almost totally unknown to the world were it not for the fact that he had the uncanny gift of being able to peer into the future.With time, Benjamín Solari Parravicini – ‘Pelón’ as his friends nicknamed him – has become widely known both inside and outside his native Argentina because of the “messages,” as he called them, he received from his “Guardian Angel” about coming events. Contrary to what some in Argentina and elsewhere would have us believe, true to his unassuming style BSP never said he had “mystic visions” nor that the future appeared to him as a burning bush of divine inspiration. Nothing of the sort: he would suddenly become inspired by a feeling, and his Guardian Angel would send him one of many “messages” that he felt compelled to draw in pencil or charcoal in the simplest of forms; mostly as just one continuous line producing an image often rather naïve, to which he would add his written “explanation.”
In this way, BSP fashioned and shaped more than 700 prophetic “messages” that mostly relate to transcendental and dramatic events affecting the world of his time and after his time, many of which are centred on his native Argentina. Most of these messages were revealed to him in the
1940s and 1950s, but he continued to receive them until just before his death in the 1970s. As with most prophetic lore, both the images and the prose are, for the most part, enigmatic. That is until passing events make them become clearer – often crystal clear. Such is also the case with other prophetic literature as the quadrants of Nostradamus, the papal prophecies of St. Malachy of Armagh in Ireland, and of other more modern sages from Edgar Cayce to Jean Dixon.The interesting thing about BSP is that each message carries both a visual symbolic sketched drawing that speaks
primarily to our emotions and intuition, whilst the written prose – normally set down by him afterwards when fully awake – speaks more to our intellect. No doubt, a good combination for today’s mindset where our worldview of reality is so heavily biased towards the intellectual. BSP gives us a more balanced appraisal of these messages both in their unconscious content – perhaps messages from the Collective Unconscious – and how he felt they could be intellectually
“aligned” to make sense in today’s “real world.”Thus, with time his “psychographies” – as he called
these images and texts – were found to predict many highly dramatic events of the modern world: the fall of Hitler and Mussolini after World War II, the rise of Castro in Cuba, satellite communications, the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City, artificial heart transplants, the atomic bomb... Many of BSP’s messages refer to Argentina for which in 1971 he envisioned miseries and mishaps at a national level; he saw a great falling down and went so far as to warn that Argentina would suffer its own bloody “French Revolution” that may sink it into severe turmoil unless Argentineans recognise and accept “The Grey Man” who will someday hopefully place Argentina back on the right track from which it has strayed so very far. If that does finally happen,
then he envisions Argentina and South America in general as a “beacon for the whole world” after the coming catastrophes of artificial and natural origins envisioned by so ma Much has been written about what he meant by “The Grey Man” – el Hombre Gris. An unknown social or political reformer? A metaphor for the middle class? The common working man and woman? No one knows although in today’s decadent Argentina one thing is sure: this reforming political figure has definitely not shown up yet!

                                    The Collection of psychographies

The author of this article was lucky to have been a friend of Sigurd von Wurmb and his kindly wife, Ana María, who were long acquainted with BSP from his early years. After BSP’s death they received a good part of his psychographies, many of which von Wurmb catalogued and then published in four volumes released through the local Kier Publishing House in Buenos Aires. Regrettably, Sigurd von Wurmb passed away in January 2007, however he left a very good and sequential account of what BSP’s work was all about; a website dedicated to him (in Spanish) can be accessed at Today, Ms Bibiana Bryson, with whom the author is acquainted, continues that work and is also custodian to another sizeable portion of BSP’s psychographies. She manages an excellent and authoritative website ( on BSP in which she publishes information and research done on his work, as well as new interpretations based on major world events as they unfold.

                                                 The Cross  symbol

 As to the source of his knowledge, BSP spoke of “superior beings” who made known to him their grave concern over the future of mankind. Notably, he spoke of José de Aragón, a monk-like figure
he considered his Guardian Angel, who egged him on to draw and speak to future generations. He even told him to draw a symbol to inspire the “New Humanity” that, even now, is being born and will carry Man to superior levels of consciousness, a wholesome life, and harmonious alignment with constructive cosmic forces. He called that symbol “Cruz Orlada,” i.e., the “Trimmed Cross,” whose mystic symbolism Brother Aragón one night dictated to BSP as follows: “Very simply, dear son, because God is the Universe and the universe is circular, thus we have that God is a Circle; thus God is Universal. The cross inside the Circle which can be plain or “trimmed” with flames, symbol of the
Sun, and also of God – i.e., the God-Christ – shall be Love, Faith, Light; it is carried the heart of union… Send it to our brother Sigurd (von Wurmb) who can spread it through his pen in the press here and abroad…. Tell him the time of the Trimmed Cross has come.”
                                         What Do the psychographies Mean?

On her website, Ms Bryson admonishes all to be cautious regarding alleged “meanings” and “interpretations” of BSP’s messages. She points out one such case making the rounds on the Internet that some say may refer to a catastrophic event about to take place during the up-coming London Olympic Games which we will refer to in this article.
As Sigurd von Wurmb and Ms Bryson aptly point out, “BSP did not go into any trance, and all interpretations of his drawings are the sole responsibility of the persons making them, and should not be ascribed to BSP himself.” Von Wurmb said that BSP considered himself “a messenger, a channel of higher voices,” bent on warning man of impending perils and guiding him upwards. “BSP must not be forced into a circle of sensationalism, especially since there are serious and respected researchers into his life’s work.” These researchers include Ana María von Wurmb, Pedro Romaniuk, and Ms Bryson herself amongst others.

One of the most striking examples is a “psychography” that clearly references the World Trade Center attacks of 2001, both regarding the image and the text which says, “North America’s Light of Liberty shall lose its shine; its torch shall not illuminate as it did yesterday, and the monument shall be twice attacked.” This psychography is dated 1939, almost thirty years before the Twin Towers were even built.
   Others from the 1930s carry texts announcing the coming Atomic Age (left):   “The atom shall come and reign supreme” (1938), and how that relates to the increasing chaos after World War II, “The atom shall dominate the world; the world shall be atomised and will be blinded. There will be storms caused by man’s excursions into the atmosphere, new illnesses, the sexes shall be perverted and confused; collective madness, total chaos. The world shall become dark” (1934). About today’s mixed-up world he further stated back then, “The man-woman shall be a reality and will have two
phases, by bisexual birth and through ancestry…. Medical doctors will operate and successfully, but the man-woman shall not be until 1970” (1937). “All goodness shall disappear from the World. Robbery and crime shall take over. The purity of creatures shall be corrupted by evil example in denaturalised homes. Marriages shall wane; lovers shall be admired all the same. Men shall cease seduction; women shall seduce” (1934). An undated message believed to be from the thirties says, “666. BLIND WORLD. The world seduced by evil shall fall.” On a more political stance, “A power race between Yankees and Russians shall take place. They shall race for space and land. It might not seem so, but America will prevail” (1941).  Another message dated 1938, that many interpret as referring to the fall of Paris to the Germans in June 1940, reads as follows: “The Heart of the World shall fall in 1940; and shall be German until 1944.”  A more poignant one from 1938 – as the world watched a seemingly unstoppable Hitler and his ally Mussolini grow in power – reads: “Hitler – Mussolini. With the same ends; the same ending.” It shows a defeated Mussolini tied to Hitler’s back.Then, there’s one from 1937 that seems to refer to Cuba’s Fidel Castro: “Bearded Head; that will seem holy but shall not be so and will inflame the Antilles.”Regarding the decadence of the Catholic Church, he issued several warnings of bad things to come: “The Church shall err in its
steps and its own leaders will falsify things” (late 1930s).
   Alluding to the Vatican Council II, BSP warned, “The papacy shall have new norms. What was evil until yesterday shall cease to be so. Mass shall be protestant, without specifically saying so.
Protestants shall be Catholics, without saying so.” In a clear reference to the last popes of our times, notably John Paul II, BSP said, “The Pope shall leave the Vatican in his travels and reach America whilst mankind falls” (1938). Another message from 1938 with a different kind of theme reads, “The heart shall be artificial in 1966.” In part, this tallies very closely in time to South African surgeon Dr.
Christian Barnard’s first successful heart transplant in history.

                                          The 2012 London olympics
 Then there are two psychographies which some claim point to the 2012 Olympics. The first (left) has
a series of images that not only relate to the Olympics but also bear similarities to a map of the main Olympic site in London when its image is superimposed upon it.
 This message set down in 1972 shows the 114.5-metre tall spiralling sculpture designed by Indian artist Anish Kapoor and called the “ArcelorMittal Orbit.” It lies in Olympic Park and according to the BBC is 22-metres higher than New York’s Statue of Liberty.
There is also the 27-ton Olympic Bell that is much bigger than Big Ben’s as well as the Olympic Torch. Alarmingly, it shows a scythe, traditionally a Saturnian symbol of the Reaper of Death. The associated text in the message says, “Fire, Hunger, Plague, Death are rung by the bell nearing the world; but the world does not yet see or hear. The darkness of the dragon which seemed asleep, draws nigh. The terror of the bear that mocked love and brotherhood. The hour of the humble democrat who never was humble, and with him comes poverty, homelessness and, with them, all the explosions of dissolution. Darkness comes and, after that, Light from the South. And the Cross!”The dragon is widely used as a symbol of England and Wales. Might the bear refer to Russia and the Slavs? The
hypocrisy of “democrats” is a global phenomenon nowadays.The other psychography  that might point to the London Olympics was composed in 1938 and comes from Ms Bryson’s private archive. It seems to show a series of symbols and images of London, Britain and the Olympics, and carries an ominous message: “The Hour of Great Tribulation has Come!”
It too seems to show Big Ben, a jagged outline of the Olympic Stadium, English flags (a cross) and even the oneeyed Olympic mascot.

                                                Still to Come?
Below is a small sample of Benjamín Solari Parravicini’s other prophecies that have not come to pass yet, and if proven true will have unprecedented impact on Mankind…
“The ugliness and deformity with which ‘extra-terrestrials’ are shown is human fantasy. That does not exist” (1972).
“Obelisks on the moon shall one day speak and shall destroy the voice of man” (1972).
“The seven-circular-step lunar crater shall reveal its secret to mankind” (late thirties).
“Interplanetary vessels come to earth in PEACE” (1960).
“Earthbound civilisation includes a lost civilisation that was far superior to the ones that followed it…” (1960).
“The interplanetary amphibious vessels shall show us the existence of inhabitable Canals inside the Earth. They shall submerge in the South Pole only to reappear in the North Pole in a matter of seconds!!” (1960).
“In view of the many visits from extra-terrestrial vessels, science will first deny, then doubt, and finally shall say ‘It is true!’ And our wisdom shall stay behind. They have been watching and contemplating us for centuries” (1940).
  “There shall appear flying high above in circles of light, bringing alien beings from other planets. Yes, they are the ones who came to populate Earth and it shall be well told. Yes! Those called angels in the Old Testament, or the voice of Jehovah, shall again appear and they shall be seen and Heard” (1938).

Many predictions refer to BSP’s native Argentina and have so far proven grimly accurate:“RA. Argentine Republic must ready itself to suffer. They shall have some thugs that will reduce the country to a fascist-style communism. Death shall run through streets and roads” (1938). To many, the author included, a reflection of today’s Argentina under the corrupt Kirchner government and the increasing violence of all sorts that their erred policies have triggered throughout the country.

“On its new Constitution, breaking with prior norms, a tall mountain of evil figures shall arise. All of them will cover their hidden agendas behind their make-believe masks” (1940). In 1994, Argentina sanctioned a new Constitution with dire results as it has given the corrupt political party system a veritable monopoly over political power. Since then, successive administrations have gone from
bad to worse, starting with the corrupt Carlos Menem government (1994-1999), followed by the grossly failed Fernando De la Rúa government that dumped the country into an abyss of chaos (1999-2001), the ignorant interim administration of Eduardo Duhalde (2002-2003) and finally today’s grossly corrupt and perverse Néstor and Cristina Kirchner administrations (2003 to date).
In more general terms, he foresaw that, “Argentina shall suffer on a small scale, what shall later hit the World. It shall set an example!” (1938).
There is much truth to the first part of this message, as the unprecedented financial and social collapse Argentina went through in 2001/2004, triggered by its Sovereign Debt default, gave the global banking money masters a practical opportunity on how to macro-manage a full-fledged collapse and not only get away with it, but also make a huge profit out of it.
Argentina was used as a sort of “leading case” and ten years later the banksters are now applying those lessons they learned from Argentina in countries like Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy and others.
When times are troubled as they are today, we would do well to lend an ear to what the very few prophets still left are saying. Their messages might be hard to unravel but they hold warnings and guidelines that we would certainly do well to heed.
It’s certainly worth listening to Benjamín Solari Parravicini as many of his hundreds of prophetic messages are yet to be fulfilled. Interestingly for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere, an idea that runs through many of BSP’s messages is his belief that Salvation shall come from the South. In a similar tone wrote Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano, in line with many Europeans and North Americans who, despairing at today’s materialistic world that is falling apart at the seams, have also looked Southwards for a true renewal.


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