Vortexes & Chakra energy

The major chakra vortexes that interpenetrate the human energy fields and holographic ‘body’ resonate to different frequencies. The potentially highest and most powerful energy centre is the heart chakra and the potentially lowest is the emotional chakra in the belly. This, too, can be very
powerful, but on a different vibration to the heart.
The heart chakra and naval chakra represent two very different realities and they also represent freedom and enslavement. The heart vortex connects us to innate intelligence or ‘knowing’ and expanded levels of Consciousness – the true self. The emotional or naval chakra has been manipulated by the Reptilian predator race and its cohorts to lock us into low vibrational emotional states that I say are generated from biological emotional software programs implanted in what is called ‘junk’ or non-coding DNA – the more than 90 per cent of DNA for which, according to mainstream science, there appears to be no perceivable function.
Human society in general has been specifically structured to trigger these emotional programsthrough fear, stress, anxiety, worry, guilt, resentment and so on. Where do we feel these emotions? In the belly. This is where the term ‘shit-scared’ comes from. The emotional chakra impacts its energetic imbalance upon the intestine and colon.
We can feel some of these emotions, like resentment, in the centre of the chest, too, and this suppresses the heart vortex and leaves the person to be dominated by the emotional chakra and the head or brain in the absence of the true intelligence of the heart. I have just described the vast majority of the human race. Coincidence? Not a chance.
The foundation of the global conspiracy is therefore to close down the heart vortex and let the emotional vortex govern reality and behaviour in league with the brain. We travelled through Peru visiting ‘heart’ places and the demeanour of the group reflected that. Their point of interaction with this reality – for most anyway – was the heart vortex. This resonates beyond the walls of the control
‘Matrix’ which is based on the energetic fields generated by low-vibrational emotion.
There was lots of laughter, optimism and joy (heart chakra) – until the day we crossed the border into Bolivia and arrived at Tiwanaku (low-vibrational naval chakra).
The difference in the energy and thus the demeanour of the group was so obvious to me that I asked people to speak on the bus home about the changes they had felt that day.Mark, a lovely guy from Ireland, told how he had been so happy and at peace with everything until he had experienced Tiwanaku. He said that he then suddenly became angry and ill-tempered and felt like shouting abuse at anyone who got in his way when taking a picture.  This is so crucial to understanding the conspiracy and human behaviour that words can hardly describe it. We are at the coal-face of human control here. Humanity was once a heart-centred society in the way of the blue people in the Avatar movie, but when the hijack came the predator force manipulated human genetics and behaviour to move the point of reality perception and reaction from the heart to the naval – the emotions.
Look at human response and behaviour. It is invariably triggered and generated from an emotional reaction – fear, greed (a form of emotion for me), resentment, jealousy, stress and all rest. This is by design because it pulls you out of your heart (Consciousness) and into the Matrix (lowvibrational emotion).I had been aware of this for a long time, but passing through Peru from heart centre to heart centre and then experiencing a low-vibrational emotional centre at Tiwanaku made it all so crystal clear. The effect on mental state and behaviour was blatant. ‘Open your heart’ and ‘Come from the heart’ are not some trite New Age mantras (though they can be if you don’t know what a profound truth is being spoken). Open your heart means opening the vibrational door to freedom.
Take a few moments to sit quietly and focus on the centre of the chest, the location of the heart vortex. Tell it to open and then feel the flow of energy start to move. If you are feeling emotion of any kind in your belly area, use your mind to move that point of attention up to the heart centre. Low-vibrational emotion can’t survive in that state when in contact with heart energy and this is a very effective way to disperse emotional energy that you don’t want. When you hold your attention in the heart you will start to perceive more clearly and sharply and insight will come. It can’t be that simple? Oh yes, it can.Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death because stressed, suppressed and stagnant heart vortex energy impacts upon the health of the ‘physical’ heart.


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