PoSSESSion is not a Myth We Have The Power – Not ‘Them’

I am back home from my two-week trip to Peru and the places that I visited in February 1991 when my life changed forever. There was no single moment this time that was the focal point of the visit, but rather a series of ‘moments’, or experiences, that together have shifted me energetically into a whole new space.It has been really strange since I got home a few days ago. It is like being between two ‘worlds’ or realities. I feel different and I am seeing many things differently, but I can’t explain exactly what I mean by that for now. Whatever has happened needs to be integrated before clarity can be secured.
It was the same in 1991 when I knew something very profound had happened to me, but it was weeks before it truly hit me with my ‘turquoise period’ and months before any kind of clarity was possible to understand what had happened. My turquoise shellsuit has long gone and won’t make another appearance this time, but something has shifted, of that there is no doubt. I am usually up quite early and working in the mornings, but since my return I have been sleeping through to 10.30am day after day and still feeling like I could stay there for many hours more.
I am sitting here now and yet I am not sitting here. I know that sounds crazy, but many reading this will understand the feeling. Okay, my body is sitting here, but am ‘I’? It doesn’t feel so. The ‘I’, the true self, is somewhere else observing the body ‘sitting here’. I can track the start of this to the early morning about three days into the trip when I was walking across my hotel room and suddenly I could not walk straight. I lurched to the left like a drunk and for three or four minutes this continued
as I tried to walk straight.I began to feel ill and about to faint and I remember thinking that I had to make it to the bed to lie down. But as I tried to move in that direction this truly weird experience
ended as fast as it started. As I stood there, thinking what the bleep just happened, a ‘voice’ in my head said: “We have just flipped your brain – you won’t be decoding reality in the same way from now on.”
A psychic friend, Monnica Sepulveda in California, contacted me by email later that day to say she had a message for me: “Say goodbye to the third dimension as you know it.”
     I was certainly not in this world for about an hour and a half after my experience. It was like I was in another ‘place’ looking in at this reality. I felt something had changed for the rest of the trip, but even more so since I returned home.
     The trip took us from Cusco, the capital of the old Inca Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries, to the mountain-top ‘lost city’ of Machu Picchu, and down to Puno and Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world at 13,000 feet.
      It was from Puno that I returned to the nearby Sillustani where I had my life-changing experience in 1991 and the energy everywhere we went was lovely – upbeat and powerful. The day that stands out in the memory, though, was near the end of the trip when we crossed the border into Bolivia to visit the ancient site of Tiwanaku (also Tiahuanaco). The energy here was anything but ‘lovely’ and that was to be the theme of the day.


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