Exorcising Negative Entities

Two days after the experience that night synchronicity took me back to the gate with a few members of the group so we could see the layout of the place in the daytime. The rock formations in the area were quite a sight to see as I walked across to the ‘gate’ itself. We sat for a while in the energy field and it was the general opinion that the place was indeed deeply unpleasant or ‘evil’. Locals told us how the legends said that if you didn’t go there ‘prepared’ then the place could make you ‘go crazy’. Yes, ‘prepared’ by being in a heart-open high-vibrational state or the entities can access – possess – your energy field.
It was clear to me that the place was not only highly malevolent, but was of great significance in its effect on the earth-energy grid in this area and probably wider afield. Two men who watched over the site for a government agency said that energy lines – ‘leylines’ or ‘meridians’ – passed through the ‘gate’ rocks which connected Cusco, Machu Picchu, Sillustani and Tiwanaku – all the places we had visited on the trip. I decided to do what I have done at so many sites over the last two decades, but this time what came through me was more powerful than ever before.It is so simple and anyone can do it if they know what they are doing and they are in tune with their own energetic power. I stood at the ‘gate’ and commanded the malevolence to leave. You don’t ask, you command, because humans in their power are giants to their little boys in short trousers.
‘Demonic’ entities only have the power that we give them because of a manipulated belief in their power. It’s all a mind game and we need to call their bluff. While commanding the entities to leave (see photo on page 32), I opened the flow of heart energy both directly from the heart vortex and through my hands while asking the cosmic power of love and harmony to come through me. In no more than three or four minutes the malevolence had flipped into a very different vibration in which malevolence cannot survive. Others in the group felt it happen even though they had no idea what I was doing – only that I was standing facing the rock.
It was all captured on film with people describing on camera the change that they suddenly felt. The energy there may have been malevolent for thousands of years possibly, but it matters not. I cannot emphasise enough – WE have the power, not the malevolence. When enough people realise
that the house of cards will fall. More surprises were to follow when we walked around the back of the ‘gate’ rocks in the sunshine. First of all, people were feeling the malevolence in an open area on
the other side of the rock formation from the ‘gate’. Once again in a few minutes of doing the same process the energy changed to one that was lovely to experience. WE have the power, not them.
Then, as we looked along the ‘gate’ rock formation on the other side from the ‘gate’, what a sight to see. The rocks were clearly formed in the shape of a dinosaur or dragon.What’s more, when you look at the head from another angle it becomes a human face and there is even what looks like a pair of hands when you look at the formation from its human dimension. Part reptile/part human? I think I have heard the concept mentioned before somewhere or other.
I returned again to the ‘gate’ the following day with members of the group that had not come the previous day and they, too, could feel that the energy was transformed from what they had felt during that first night visit. We had with us this time another Peruvian guide who was far more aware than the first one. He pointed out other images in the rocks, including many faces, which he had identified over many visits. There was also one known for obvious reasons as the ‘penis rock’, which I immediately awarded the Spanish name of Arbusto rock, which means Bush rock. Can’t think why, but something inspired me. It is an extraordinary place, that is for sure, and if you try to explain the formations, especially the main ‘dragon’, from a physical point of view then you are left only with
the conclusion that this must all have come about by accident through erosion from wind and rain. But there IS no physical – only the holographic expression of waveform information fields that we decode from the vibrational to the electrical, digital and holographic. Therefore, if you implant
the information field with a dragon/human rock formation at the waveform level then any observer will decode that through to holographic reality as ‘blimey – it looks just like a dragon’. A dragon rock formation at precisely the place where I felt malevolent reptilian energy was residing – is it really all just a coincidence? The ‘gate’ and rock formations were (emphasis on the were) acting as a vibrational blocker on the energy grid. These can be found all over the world and today they place nuclear power stations, major road interchanges, etc., at key energy points to suppress the energy (information) available to the target human population. The biggest stone circle in Europe, at Avebury in Wiltshire, England, has a main road going through the middle when there was plenty of room to go around it. This is no accident, either. As I was talking to the group about some of these things on the third visit, I heard a gasp and some began pointing to the sky where a rainbow image suddenly formed from the cloud directly above our heads...
Yes, of course, you can let the imagination run riot in all these things, but there were so many strange happenings in that place over the three visits that to dismiss it all by a wave of the hand would be ridiculous. As I have said so many times: The world is not just a little bit different to what we have been told to believe – it is NOTHING like we have been told to believe.

British author dAvId ICkE (pronounced ike) has written 16 books and travelled to over 40 countries since 1990. His research exposes the Big Brother fascist dictatorship predicted by George Orwell in his book, 1984, and charts the history of the Illuminati with its connections to unseen forces in other dimensions of reality that some call ‘extraterrestrials’. Icke refers to this as the ‘Reptilian Agenda’. His books reveal how a Hidden Hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem, reaction, solution. David Icke is recognised as the leader in his field and is an inspiration to a new generation of conspiracy theory researchers around the world. His latest book is Human Race Get Off Your Knees. His website is www.davidicke.com.


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