Is NASA Filtering Out Alien Evidence From the Moon & Mars?

Two French artists have used a neutral filter “normally used by NASA for analysing stars,”
to create a stunning exhibit of abandoned cities. ‘Silent World’, a photography project by Parisian artists Lucie & Simon, takes the most crowded parts of New York City, Paris and Beijing, and alters them in a basic (but technically incredible difficult) way. The filter allows the photographers to cut out any moving objects like people or cars.Some photographic experts argue the same computer software can be tweaked to filter out objects anomalous to a landscape.
The result would be Photoshop-like manipulation on steroids. ‘Silent World’ has inadvertently revealed a technique that NASA photo experts could apply to eliminate evidence of alien artefacts on the Moon and Mars.

According to a news release from Pennsylvania State University, the possibility of locating physical artefacts from advanced space-faring societies in our solar system should be taken seriously. No concrete evidence for anything like this has been found, although many claim that NASA has
covered-up discoveries. There are oddities such as the “monolith” on Mars’ moon Phobos, an unusual-looking tall bump or protuberance on the surface seen by the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. Many other anomalies have been reported on the Moon, Mars and other moons in the solar system over the years. According to Jacob Haqq-Misra, of the Rock Ethics Institute, and Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, “The vastness of space, combined with our limited searches to date, implies that any remote unpiloted exploratory probes of extraterrestrial origin would likely remain unnoticed.” They are publishing a paper which has been accepted by Acta Astronautica and posted online on ArXiv. “Extraterrestrial artefacts may exist in the solar system without our knowledge simply because we have not yet searched sufficiently. Few if any of the attempts would be capable of detecting a 1 to 10 meter (3 to 33 foot) probe... We cannot rule out the possibility that nonterrestrial artefacts are present and may even be observing us.”For many years America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been accused of a massive cover-up concerning the existence of UFOs and interplanetary alien artefacts.

In October 2010, a YouTube user noticed that an image of Saturn’s moons in NASA’s Astronomy Picture Of The Day had noticeable Photoshop brushstrokes in it when the contrast was turned up. The story hit the headlines and the resultant photo seemed to show a mysterious object hiding near Saturn’s moons.The person responsible for the manipulation later tried to explain why the changes were made. Then in 2011 NASA released a video showing how they use Photoshop to reconstruct images from the Hubble space telescope.Whistleblower Ken Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. He also accuses the agency of ordering a cover-up of photographic evidence and forcing him to participate in it.Another former NASA insider, Donna Hare, also claims NASA doctored, obfuscated, and obscured thousands of photos over the years. She alleges the US space agency systematically erases inconvenient anomalous artefacts on certain inconvenient photos – primarily from the Moon and Mars.Conspiracy researchers say the space agency may be employing new, more subtle techniques in their ongoing quest to suppress evidence that the human race is not alone.Using advanced photo manipulation techniques, images could be made “bereft of any embarrassing or controversial objects littering the Lunar or Martian landscapes,” said Terrence Aym, in an article for Before It’s News. “No evidence of tampering would exist, allowing the cover-up to continue onwards for decades.” Earlier images that NASA poorly obscured,“could be digitally modified in the future erasing all traces of evidence.“Unless, that is, the Europeans, Russians, Japanese, or Chinese choose not to participate in the cover-up,” writes Aym. “Whether those countries will support the deception time alone will tell – as well as the photographic images their space agencies release to the world.”

From_Moon,_Mars_Revealed.html; www.


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