electromagnetic entitie

These entities are electromagnetic beings and they attach themselves to the human electromagnetic field, or auric field, and from there dictate mental, emotional and ‘physical’ behaviour. This is why I felt an electromagnetic field attach to my hands when the entity was coming out.
These are the same entities that possess those in the positions of power in politics, banking, corporations, media, military and so on. They are so heartless – note the term heart-less, devoid of heart energy – because the entities that possess them are heart-less.
The hybrid bloodlines that I have written so extensively
about have a greater genetic (therefore vibrational) compatibility with the entities and so are much more powerfully possessable than the general run of the population. But it can happen to anyone to a greater or lesser extent, which is why people have to be streetwise to the phenomenon.
When the electromagnetic field of the possessing entity becomes the dominant one occasionally, often at times of great fury or other emotional (energetic) charge, the observer will decode the possessing field and not the human one. As they do so, they see the human form turn into a non-human form – what is called shapeshifting.
These entities have been recorded in all ancient societies and religions. The Gnostics called them the Archons; Islamic lore calls them the Jinn; Christians call them the demons; Zulus call them the Chitauri. They often take a reptilian form, but far from always. The key theme that connects them all is that these entities under many and various names invade the human psyche and dictate behaviour and perception.  Those selected to serve the Control System are possessed by these entities during secret society and Satanic rituals. Someone may join the Freemasons and think that the rituals are strange and potty, but what they don’t know is that they are specifically designed to allow entities to attach to the target and slowly, but surely their personality begins to change.
 When it has changed sufficiently and become heart-less enough they go on to be a leading politician, banker and whatever else the secret networks have in mind for them. The general population can be most open to possession at times of extreme depression (and other low vibrational energetic states), and drugs and heavy drinking can seriously open the door, too. So can having sex with a possessed person. The energetic connection creates a mutual field which the entities can cross.


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