Bilderberg 2012

The 2012 Bilderberg conference convened from 31 May to 3 June at Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Bilderberg is an annual, invitationonly get-together of international bankers, heads of global corporations and senior government officials from Europe and North America. Meetings are strictly closed to the public.Some of this year’s attendees included the chairman, vice-chairman, and CEO of Shell, the chairman of Barclays, the White House national security advisor, the head of the NSA, the head of HSBC, and the Chancellor of Austria. They were joined by Henry Kissinger, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Lord Chancellor of Britain, the CEO of Unilever, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, the president of the World Bank and
the head of the Dow Chemical Group.Not surprisingly, Bilderberg is often described as the “boardroom of the New World Order” made up of the “secret rulers of the world.”
Among those invited to speak at Bilderberg 2012 were the vocal anti-Putin activist Garry Kasparov from Russia and Bassma Kodmani, the head of foreign affairs for the Turkey-based Syrian National Council. Inflamed tensions with Russia and regime-change in Syria are evidently high on the Bilderberg agenda.Other matters brought up were the economic crisis in the Eurozone and this year’s US presidential elections.Prior to the event Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn contributor and political commentator from Argentina, prepared the following overview of Bilderberg for the Russian television network RT.

Every time a Bilderberg Meeting takes place, important things happen. The last time they met in the US was an election year, 2008 – and the world got Obama. This year they’re back in the US: will they decide who the next president will be?When in 2008 they gathered from 5-8 June in Chantilly, Virginia – just a stone’s throw from Washington DC – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were neck-in-neck in the battle for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy. On 5 June of that year, Barack and Hillary mysteriously “disappeared” for some hours “somewhere in the DC area.”  Their agendas blocked out, they clearly sneaked off to “Meet the Bilderbergers.”
The media kept mum about that, save for an Associated Press report on the campaign trail saying that, “reporters travelling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair (i.e. Obama and Hillary) when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois Senator’s
whereabouts, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs smiled and declined to comment.” (The AP dispatch “Obama and Clinton meet, discuss uniting Democrats” is, strangely, “no longer available” on their website).Be that as it may, two days later, Hillary withdrew from the race and Obama became the presidential candidate. Did Bilderberg make Hillary “an offer she couldn’t refuse” to clear the way for Obama to the White House? Did they promise her that she would become his Secretary of State?

A favourite Bilderberg method consists of inviting wannabe future heads of state to their meetings
to determine whether they will go along with their agenda. We thus saw George H. W. Bush attend their 1985 meeting, Bill Clinton attend their 1991 meeting, Tony Blair in 1993, and Romano Prodi, former head of the EU Commission, in 1999.So what exactly is Bilderberg?  It’s neither an organisation nor a lobby. The “Bilderberg Meetings,” as they dub themselves in their (apparently) official website, is a “by-invitation-only” club of around 140 very high-power people from business, finance, oil, politics, media, industry, academia and nobility who come together in a very private no-media / no cameras / extremely-tight-security surroundings to discuss…  Well… there’s the rub: what exactly do they discuss?
They describe themselves as “a small, flexible, informal and offthe-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”True enough. Actually, they don’t need to because each individual
member’s power is so very vast that whatever they agree will forcefully span the globe through their farreaching leverage and clout.
Though very high up on the Pyramid, Bilderberg is not the Global Elite’s power centre.Rather, Bilderberg is a key group within a much more vast, more complex, less centralised, and highly effective Global Power Network, where they interact and overlap with other organisations, clubs, lobbies and groups, all having common economic, financial, social and (geo)political objectives in the Globalist Agenda. This includes such key entities as the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (long-term geopolitical planners), its London-based sister entity Royal Institute of International Affairs (aka “Chatham House”), RAND Corp., CSIS, the American Enterprise Institute (strategic affairs specialists), Tavistock Institute in London (mass psychology research), the Carnegie
Endowment, and the Trilateral Commission “umbrella” entity (founded 1973 by Rockefeller / Morgan / Rothschild interests, geared to coordinating the Americas, Europe and the East).These so-called “Think Tanks” in turn interact with consultancies like Kissinger Associates, The Carlyle Group (specialising in oil strategies and having the Bush, Bin Laden and Baker families as key shareholders), or Trilateralist Claus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. Thus, Bilderberg is basically part of that very powerful Global Private Power Web; a “node” so to speak… And a very powerful one at that!It’s therefore no surprise to see that last year’s attendee list looks like a Who’s Who of banking, industrial and media CEO top brass: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, CitiCorp, European Central Bank, US Federal Reserve Bank, Lazard Frères, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, World Bank, Bank of Canada, AXA, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Fiat, Nestle, Novartis, Coca-Cola, Airbus, Eni, Telecom Italy, ExxonMobil, Alcoa, Marks & Spencer, Die Zeit, The Economist.As their website points out about meeting participants, “about one-third is from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communications. Participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.”European nobility regularly attend too: the Dutch Queen, the Spanish King and Queen, Norway’s Crown Prince… Bilderberg’s high-power participants interact with, and are crossrepresented on, the global private power web through membership and
directorship in the Trilateral Commission, CFR, AEI, governments, corporations, banks, media and others. Interestingly, also in attendance are founders and top executives of giant Internet management and intelligence gathering companies as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft.Clearly, they run countries around the world, not voting citizens…Perhaps it’s high time “We the People” in every country started listening to those of us saying, “It’s the Bilderbergers and Trilateralists, Stupid!” 


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